Bewilligte Projekte

Im Rahmen der Ausschreibung Faire Rohstoffe im Programm CZS Durchbrüche.

New tools for production without cobalt and tungsten (FairTools) Resource efficiency - Project funding programmes – CZS Breakthroughs

Short description

Production tools are often made from tungsten carbide and cobalt. Both minerals are scarce materials and highly critical from a social point of view. The "FairTools" project is researching how these minerals can be replaced or saved in production.

Sustainable III-V-based semiconductor devices: substitution and recycling strategies for critical elements in highly efficient optoelectronic energy materials (SustEnMat) Resource efficiency - Project funding programmes – CZS Breakthroughs

Short description

Some of the components of so-called III-V semiconductors are only available in very limited quantities or are harmful to health. SustEnMat aims to reduce, replace and recycle them in order to make their use more resource-efficient and environmentally friendly.

Upgrading lignin for fair raw materials (LignUp) Resource efficiency - Project funding programmes – CZS Breakthroughs

Short description

Lignin is a biogenic waste product and is largely incinerated. The pulp industry produces around 50 million tons of it every year. "LignUp" aims to incorporate this biopolymer into value chains for the replacement or extraction of critical metals, thereby upgrading it from waste to a valuable material.